Couple engage in passionate midnight sex

Coming back from an evening together, our horny couple are very quickly all over each other and the chances of midnight sex is high on the agenda. The light faded now to a soft moonlight as their lust increases and their hands begin to roam wildly with free abandon. It is evident our lovers are clearly home to fuck, so why wait to get into the bedroom, when each are feeling too horny to wait.

The lovely Daisy and her lover Marc find themselves in a moment of impulsive lust where their lovemaking is unapologetic in their need to consume each other and find their release. It is focused and intense as they fuck randomly on the stairs before even getting into their room. It is a sexy scene that brings us back to our sometimes sudden need as humans to be had and to have. A bold and orgasm packed sexy film of intense midnight sex that leaves Daisy fulfilled and exhausted and Marc’s big dick shooting his large load in a cumshot all over her body.

I have never been a fan of the association of the porn word but watching this erotic movie, in my eyes is actually offering elegant and beautiful passionate porn. There is lots of raw physical energy between this couple, as they engage in some hot, intense and authentic sex for us to view. However, unlike many people’s perceptions of porn, it is not degrading, or disgusting or in any way objectifies the woman but offers an intense pleasure that she enjoys. Sex isn’t always soft but sometimes we seek more physical desire. Understanding your partner and what they enjoy is what good sex is all about. Sex can be about a raw animalistic quality that when shared and enjoyed between 2 or more people is horny as hell and wonderfully good for us to enjoy.

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9 thoughts on “Couple engage in passionate midnight sex

  1. Can we get Daisy back? I go back and watch all her scenes. She’s my absolute favorite on frolicme.

  2. This is a sexy scene. The opening sequence of them on the stairs shows their excitement well, particularly the shots showing Daisy’s face whilst Marc is behind her.

    • I would like to see more women cumming shots! How about a titty cum shot, it’s like he’s marking his territory.

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