Sexy blonde enjoys sensual lovemaking in bed

Wanting a beautiful loving couple sex video with a sensual slow pace and gentle romp in bed? If that is the case then this is one sexy erotic movie you will certainly enjoy.

SLIPPERY WHEN OILED is a very loving sensual bed scene with lots of gorgeous nudity from the very start. The scene opens with Victoria having taken a relaxing bath and then enjoys softening her skin with oil. Alexei then aroused by the image of her naked body before him, takes over and makes sure her voluptuous curvy figure is caressed and massaged all over with warm oil. Taking his time he takes great pleasure dribbling the oil sensually all over her sexy big tits, letting it ooze down her body, his fingers slowly smooth and stroke her skin taking in all her curves until he reaches her very tempting pussy.

You can expect lots of sensual and intimate love-making, touching and caressing with plenty of lingering cunnilingus and slow meaningful cock sucking. Nothing is hurried in this sexy video. Each taking it in turns to arouse the other, firstly Alexei nestled between her thighs enjoys the pleasure of his mouth tasting her pussy while she in turn pleasures him with long leisurely strokes of his cock with her mouth.

This loving couple sex film is not about speed but there is some deep slow penetration when the pace heats up towards the end. I’m sure many will find this film a sexy viewing with the close up explicit filming and gentle arousal with the horny hot Alexei and the voluptuous Victoria.

Take your time to engage your thoughts too with the accompanying story by our erotic author Miss Erotic who kindly wrote the supporting story SLIPPERY WHEN OILED the words and language will certainly get your mind in the mood for this gentle and very sensual sexy film.


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One thought on “Sexy blonde enjoys sensual lovemaking in bed

  1. So sensual and tantalizingly slow…the way making love should be… a classic and one of my favorite films on this site. Lovemaking at its best..!!!

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