Couple erotic fucking video

Just as promised and hard on the heels of my Kinky Christmas is this sexy video full of erotic fucking. Surely, there can be no man that wouldn’t be as horny as hell having watched his sexy wife tease and play before his very eyes, getting herself aroused and wet playing with her new naughty toy, which is exactly what happened in Kinky Christmas. Oh how ready was our own Mr Ryder to have his wife come down on his raging hard-on for some very needy relief.

The film begins just where we left off with a moody evening scene and our real life couple dressed in elegant attire enjoying their own evening of divine kinky fuckery complete with a beautiful mask to add some allure of mystery. Seeing her husband sat, eyes not diverting from her body, she moves closer to release him from his trousers and set about with some wet, face deep blowjob and get him on the edge of horny pleasure. Before she knows it, he has her panties off and her beautiful dress hitched up revealing her most gorgeously rounded bottom to get fucked and used. Having him every way possible, our lovely Mrs Ryder enjoys straddling her man and letting him fill her deep inside while she so enjoys riding him. For those who do enjoy it, there is another naughty cumshot for those who enjoy that little extra to their sexy videos.

A very sexy film of a naughty pair’s evening pleasure, elegantly filmed with just a sexy dose of kinky sex and celebration. A perfect way to bring in the exciting New Year ahead. I am always so excited to see a New Year arrive as so much to celebrate, and so much more naughty fun to reveal to you all. Happy festive celebration fucks to all. Anna xx

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6 thoughts on “Couple erotic fucking video

  1. Amazed to see your videos really passion and full of beautiful desire of escatsy that tingle everyone dreams ,

  2. Finally! awesome fucking beautiful lady and a real stud of a man. Great sex scenes, and the best part is a creampie, that’s where I would have finished. Totally the best video I have ever seen.

    • Oh wow that is possibly the best complement I could ever ask for THANK YOU as it has given me a big smile as well as filling my mind full of ideas….!

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