EROTIC MAGAZINE FOR WOMEN AND COUPLES » Sex Tips and Insights » Putting a ring on it – the delights of cock rings

Putting a ring on it – the delights of cock rings

Rings have graced fingers for millennia. Digits just lend themselves to adornment—they are long, elegant and expressive. It’s only natural to add a piece of jewellery to them.

And you can read so much about someone’s personality by a glance at their hands. A statement ring on an index finger might suggest artistic flair, a thumb ring might suggest confidence. A treasured gold band or signet ring might pay homage to generations past. Rings tell interesting tales about their owners.

So I guess that I must be a pretty boring bloke with few stories in my life as I don’t wear any rings.

Well, that’s not totally true. I don’t wear any rings on my fingers. Or my thumbs for that matter. But there is another part of the anatomy where I have to confess, I love to don a silver band.

Yes, I am talking about cock rings. And I just adore them.

Cock rings come in a variety of formats.

There are simple, flexible rings designed to hold a penis tight. There are penis rings which not only work their trick on a prick, but they also include an area that can rub deliciously against a clitoris. More elaborate devices incorporate vibrators. And then there are more serious jewels, fashioned out of precious metals, which look resplendent on a penis.

The most obvious reason for investing in a pleasure ring is to give you a firmer and bigger erection. If you get the sizing right (and this can be a touch difficult) it can constrict the base of the penis a little and so restrict the blood supply from leaving a hardened shaft. The result is that within a minute or two your cock is noticeably bigger and firmer. Sure, the veins may stand out a bit and your manhood may be a bit redder, but you certainly will feel and see the difference. And so will your partner.

But you do need to be careful. You can only wear these for a short while as you could damage your most vital organ. And if you select one that is too small, you might have one heck of a problem getting it off if you fail to ejaculate. (So please do take expert advice if you have any concerns about anything that follows.)

And this is why it’s probably best to start out with flexible rings as you can pull them off pretty easily.

For those wanting a bit more excitement, the cock rings that have vibrators within them can be wonderful fun. These are great not only for masturbation but also for penetrative sex where they can nestle against a clitoris and give both you and your partner a deeply pleasurable pulsating experience. For the adventurous, there are cock rings with a remote-control which enable you to use them when you are out and about. I have actually tried this, but the one I used was a bit too noisy to getaway within a public place (I had to grab the stop button on the remote pretty swiftly!). There are even some vibrating cock rings, which work via an app. So, should you be away from home and need a bit of partner-induced stimulation, all they need to do is access the app on their mobile phone and they can control the nature of the vibrations you receive. And they can even do this from another different continent.

From a purely personal point of view, these vibrating penis rings have been a huge success and have led to some great orgasms and, indeed, my first multiple orgasm. I never realised blokes could have these, but I can assure you I truly did thanks to my vibrating cock ring. Sadly, despite many attempts, I have not been able to achieve this a second time! But I haven’t given up trying just yet.

However there is a second reason for acquiring a cock ring, and this is where parallels with finger rings come to the fore. Cockrings can be a truly sensational way of adorning your prick.

I have two such jewels in my collection. Both are treasured items; one is truly priceless.

The first of these is outwardly a fairly standard band of silver. It’s a snug fit and getting the size right took ages. I ended up going to a DIY store (for readers outside the UK, by this I mean a hardware store, however, the term Do-it-Yourself could not be more appropriate in this case) and buying a range of curtain rings and then taking them home and trying each one out.

You pretty soon realise which ones are too small and you discard of those fast. You hope that the larger ones are going to fit, but you sadly have to be honest with yourself and dispense with those too. Then it gets tricky as there are probably two or three that are very roughly the right size. So you need to play around, try them out when you are masturbating and go for the one that works best (and that is usually not the one that is the tightest fit). For me, a millimetre or two in diameter really did make a remarkable difference to the fitting.

And once you have the right size, it is just a matter of finding someone who can make it for you. Now, this might be a bit more difficult. Mine was crafted by an ordinary, high street jeweller. She happened to make a left-field remark when I was buying an unusual piece of jewellery for my partner. We got talking and a couple of phone calls and texts later and she had the most interesting of commissions.

She even suggested I got it engraved. I didn’t opt for any Greek or Latin text here. Nor any romantic words. It simply states, lustfully: “Suck me. Pump me. Ride me. Milk me.” Sadly I cannot pass on the name of either jeweller or engraver as I was made to promise never to reveal them.

Bespoke cock rings -

The other cock ring I have is a real masterpiece. And it was made by the doyenne of jewel tools—Betony Vernon, author of the Boudoir Bible. This is a sensational item and one that only a real expert could devise.

There is a very long story behind this piece, but there so often is with any work of sublime creativity and originality. But essentially, I once had the pleasure of hearing Betony talk and was mesmerised by some of her ‘second skin’ pieces she developed for the hands. These are jewels that sit on the palm and are fashioned to be a perfect fit, like a second skin. The moment I saw her put one on her own hand, I instantly wanted something like it for myself. But not for my hand. I instinctively knew exactly where I wanted it to go.

After exchanging emails for weeks and looking at different designs and ideas, Betony came up with something so brilliantly novel that I just had to go for it.

She designed—what we have come to call between us—a shaft slip as seen in the photograph above. It hugs the helmet of my penis really firmly, but not too tight, and it has a little V cut out to expose that deliciously sensitive of areas of a guy—the frenulum.

It took a long time to get the design right (indeed I had to make a perfect cast of my cock for her to make a mould from which to fashion the piece, and that is a whole story in itself), but eventually, we got there and I have the most magnificent adornment imaginable.

For more information about Betony’s jewel tools, please go to

So putting a ring on it can be the most pleasurable of experiences and I would urge anyone who was thinking of trying one out to be brave and have a go. Take it from me, you won’t regret it (unless you get your sizing catastrophically wrong, that is!).

For more cock ring ideas take a look in our store.

About the author

One of the very first writers for FrolicMe, PJA Woode, has been writing about sex for years. His first stories and articles appeared in Forum Magazine in the 1980s....
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