After a difficult day at work when I am feeling tired and fed up, I often revisit a moment of naked abandonment in the garden of a sensuous business coach about a decade ago.
Business coaches were the latest trend then. And my company was one that followed every business trend going.
It all started during an annual appraisal of my work, when my boss decided that I lacked ambition and drive. I was always holding back, he told me and he suggested that I visit a coach who would help explore my attitude to work which would help me to develop my full potential.
So, rather reluctantly, I agreed to visit a leading coach in my line of business over a sixth month period. She had been found out by our HR team and was rated extremely highly. She worked from home and I have to admit to putting off our initial session several times simply because I was really not in the mood for...
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This was really sexy – thank you for sharing.