For your reading pleasure dip into the dark and sexy world of Zak Hardacre, one of my contributing erotic authors with an excerpt from one of his latest published stories.  A wonderful opportunity to enjoy the writing of this erotic author and find out more about his other works. This excerpt is taken from Alters a dark and powerful story full of twists and turns, below is his chosen excerpt for you to enjoy here. You can also read his erotic story CUBAN CIGAR which he wrote to accompany the film for Frolicme. Full details of where you can purchase the full copy of Alters either in paperback or ebook can be found at the end.


“Brianna Smart is a hard working Personal Assistant longing for some excitement in her life. She wants a man to make her feel safe, secure and even loved. It may seem like an impossible dream and has almost given up on the idea. That is until her best friend invites her out for a night at one of London’s top nightclubs.

It is here that she meets the charismatic if not dangerous looking Ashton Granger. One of the country’s top and most wealthy businessmen. An instant spark is ignited and that first meeting sets off a chain of events that escalates throughout the coming months.

On returning to her flat after one too many cocktails all she can think about is this tall, dark, handsome stranger with the hint of danger about him. She wearily pours herself a bath and fantasies of what could be.”

EXCERPT chosen by ZAK HARDACRE  from his story THE ALTERS

The lock turns under my cumbersome touch, the weight of my body causing me to fall forward. Tumbling to the floor my skirt rides up exposing my bare arse cheeks to any passer-by. Struggling onto my hands and knees, peering around to make sure no one has noticed my embarrassing faux pas I regain my footing.

Glancing at my watch, I see it is just gone 2am. The apartment block foyer is devoid of life, save for the night porter, who sat at his security desk. Looking up from the newspaper he is reading, he seems concerned at my appearance. I must seem to him like Bambi in the Walt Disney cartoon of the same name. Legs wobbling in an attempt to keep my balance.

“Are you okay Miss Smart?” His words are gentle, genuinely concerned for my welfare.

Joe is a lovely bloke, he has been the night security man since I moved in. Always polite and courteous, the sort of person you would like to be your grandfather. From his grey almost white head of hair, I estimate he can’t be far from retirement age.

“I’m fine Joe, just had one more glass of champagne than I should have, I’ll be okay.” Holding up my hand to acknowledge him, I stagger towards the lift.

I feel his eyes on me as I teeter across the slippery marble floor. In my heels it’s not an easy thing to navigate without causing serious injury. I am sure if I was to fall, Joe would be there to catch me, like a knight in shining armour. Why do I let Tess lead me astray? For once I am glad she had, the extra glasses of bubbly had helped settle my nerves. The mysterious, serious yet enigmatic Ashton had taken me by surprise. He was witty, intelligent, funny with that hidden sense of danger that I craved. Every girl likes a bad boy, don’t they?

Breathing a sigh of relief as the lift reaches my floor, I fumble in my handbag for my keys. Tittering to myself, as I brush aside the pack of condoms that have lay dormant in there for almost six months since I purchased them. Luckily for me, the key to my flat is a piece of plastic encoded with my details. Swiping it down in between the security device attached to the side of the door, the LED light blinks green. Pushing down on the handle the door swings open, and I step inside.

The fragrance from the plug-in air freshener fills the hallway with the sweet smell of jasmine. I can’t wait to get out of my clothes and have a good soak. Throwing my bag on the shoe rack, I kick off my stilettos. Leaving them where they lie, normally I would take a glass of wine with me, but I have had enough of that for one night. Undressing, I walk towards the bathroom.

Turning both the hot and cold taps, checking with my palm if the water is the required temperature. Satisfied, that it is just right, I remove my panties and bra throwing them in the wash basket in the corner of the room. Completely naked I wander into the living room and pick up my iPad. Scrolling through my music app I pick a playlist. The soft melodic tones of the female artist fills the room. Inserting a pair of headphones into the audio port, I place the small round devices into my ears.

Singing along with the tune, I make my way back to the bathroom. Pouring a generous amount of lavender scented bubble bath into the water, I wait until the water has reached around 6 inches from the top of the tub.

Stepping into the water, I delay slightly before lowering myself. In the deep roll top bath, the water reaches just above my knee. Settling down I slide beneath the bubbles, the water displacing itself so it rises around two inches from the crest of the tub. The warm water is soothing, relaxing. Just fucking perfect!

Closing my eyes, with a contented smile on my lips, I lean back my head on the waterproof pillow attached to the end of the bath. Out of nowhere, the image of Ashton crashes into my mind. Perhaps it is the calming effects of the bubbles and warm relaxing water. I had been so disappointed when he had refused the coffee I had offered.

The luxurious touch of the warm water gently lapping at my body is relaxing. The mere thought of Ashton, his well-toned chiselled physique pressing against me, makes my nipples stiffen. The erotic thoughts stimulate my mind and my body reacts immediately. The synapsis in my brain firing like a volley of artillery, electricity shooting through my body. There was no going back, the tingling in my pussy relentless. I give myself over to the powerful urges welling deep inside.

I begin to massage my breasts with one hand then slipping it between my open thighs. My pussy is so wet and not just from the bath water. Slowly rubbing my outer lips; I tease them open, touching my now very sensitive clit. All the time the one central image of Ashton’s steel blue eyes piercing into mine.

Raising my right leg, I drape it over the roll top bath, giving me better access to my pussy. Fingers glide easily over my open slit, before plunging deep inside. In time to the rhythm of the music, I slowly finger fuck myself. At the same time raising my hips, forcing myself against my fingers, wanting them deep inside of me. The need to be filled, all-consuming.

Fingers fill my hole stretching me, giving me that sensation of fullness. It was a feeling I crave and my moans become louder as I near my climax.

Desperately turning to my right and just in arms reach is the 10-inch rubber dildo, strategically placed there for such an eventuality. I grab it with one hand while the other continues to pleasure myself. In one swift movement and with the aid of my left hand, I insert it in my now soaking pussy. The sudden penetration pushes me over the edge, my breathing coming in short fast pants, as I vigorously fuck myself. The orgasm begins to roll and rumble like thunder deep down.

“Jesus Christ, oh yes, yes!” Crying out into the silence I ride the undulating wave of pure pleasure.

A screaming moan escapes my lips, body tensing, I writhe in the water splashing about as the orgasm ripples through my body. Closing my eyes, I relish the fire within. I wait silently for my body to recover, breathing to return to normal. I dream of his strong masculine rough hands, the coldness of his rings on my burning flesh. I drift into a contented sleep.

The morning fades in like a scene from a bad theatre production. The cast stomp about, slam doors and project their voices in the street below my window. The thought would be funny if this same play wasn’t repeated every morning, but this morning I have a hangover from hell. Cupping my hand before my mouth I breathe into it. The smell that fills my nostrils is far from appealing, I twist my head away. Pulling the pillow over my head trying to quell the noise of the vehicles and early risers, I moan out loud.

I need a few more hours of blackness. Not to sleep, but to prepare for the working day. To organize and prioritize my thoughts, the mental lists I make every morning. I have lived the same story for three long years, surely there must be more to life than this? A spark of dangerous excitement to pull myself out of the rut I am stuck in. Ashton had been such a breath of fresh air last night, I hope that maybe he can add that missing ingredient to my mundane existence.

Pulling my head from under the pillow, I stare at the alarm clock, the red LED lights reminding me it is time to get up. Leaning across I switch off the alarm which will sound any moment. Shaking off the final remnants of sleep, I shower quickly. The shock of the water hitting my skin helps me to focus my mind on the day ahead. I run through the schedule in my head, keeping track of Oliver’s day can, at times, be quite a challenge. I will need to confirm everything on my calendar when I get to work.

Stepping into the revolving door of Brandon and Harte, I prepare myself for the beginning of the working day. Waving to the security guard, he smiles in return.

“Good morning Frank, hope you had a quiet night?” Asking the same question I do every morning I await his standard response.

“Same old, same old Ms. Smart.” He answers my question in the same fashion as always, with a big grin on his face. He is such an affable guy, not the least bit what you expected from a security guard.

I decide to take the stairs, the exercise will probably do me good. The working day can be hectic to say the least, so any chance I get to stretch my legs and get my heart pumping I take. Although I exercise daily I find it hard fitting it into my busy life. Keeping myself in shape to attract a man has not worked recently, and I had almost despaired until last night.

Reaching my floor, I punch in my security code releasing the double fire doors, and I enter the foyer. Tess’s chair is empty which is strange as she normally arrives before me. Opening the drawer of my desk, I put my bag inside. The whole open planned office area is bright, light, and very modern. The IKEA Swedish furniture, a particular pet hate of mine, but I think the senior partners got them cheap after promoting the company a few years back.

Settling into my leather chair, I turn on my computer and wait for it to boot. Entering my username and password at the login screen, one by one my applications begin to open. The most important one, my mail program and calendar are last to fill my screen.

Behind every manager or company director, you’ll find an organized, efficient personal assistant. I pride myself in the fact that I reflect those values. I adore Oliver dearly, yet from time to time he can be so frustrating. I used to have, in fact still harbour, a deep-seated love for the man. He is intelligent, funny, not to forget he is one of the most handsome men I have ever met. The polar opposite of Ashton, he is lean, blonde, always clean shaven with a mild-mannered character.

Being mild-mannered is not always a good thing when you are looking to acquire high profile clients to promote. I have witnessed on more than one occasion either Mr. Brandon or Harte, chastise him after failing to secure a contract. I usually am unfortunately the person he seems to take it out on when this happens. Yet my calming influence has a positive effect on him.

His obsession with hand cleaning, and having everything in a particular order or place an annoying trait that I sometimes find difficult to cope with. I have observed over the last few months that his mood swings have become more and more frequent. In fact, he has become bad-tempered on a daily basis. It may not last long, but long enough to frighten me for a short period of time.

“Good morning, sweetie.” Tess greets me but not in the normal cheerful way. Maybe last night didn’t go as she planned. Watching her put her bag down on her chair and turn on her computer, her actions seem somewhat aggressive.

“Did you have a good time with Marcus?” I cringe as I ask the question knowing full well, from her body language, that the answer would be in the negative.

“Not here, hun I’ll tell you all about it later over a coffee.” Her words are curt and clipped, throwing her ass into the chair staring blankly at the monitor.

I think I just hit a raw nerve there, better not pursue the matter, I muse over what the hell could have gone wrong. I’m sure she will spill the beans at some point during the day. If there is one thing I have learned with Tess is never to push her, or she will clamp up.

“Good morning lovely ladies.” Oliver calls from behind me, an almost joyous tone to his voice.

As always, he is dressed impeccably, this morning in a grey striped Versace Pied De Poule suit. The cut of the jacket, highlighting his lean athletic body. He stops by my desk, his crotch in direct line of sight with my eyes. Tearing my gaze away from the lump in his trousers, I look him straight in the eyes. Almond shaped and brown, they have a warmth and kindness about them. I shiver as I feel my pussy moisten, clenching my thighs together. In the past, I had imagined us being alone, him bending me over the desk and having his wicked way with me.

“Do I have anything I need to know about first thing?” His question brings me back to reality, and I scan his calendar.

“You have a meeting with the partners and the other account managers at 11 am, apart from that your schedule is pretty much your own.”

“What would I do without you Brianna?” The compliment, makes me smile but I do know it’s true. Even with all his lists and compulsive rituals he is so easily distracted.

“I have a report to write for the meeting, so hold any calls that aren’t important will you.” With that, he heads directly to his office nodding to Tess on the way.

The door slams, and through the glass frontage of his office I see him tinkering with some items on his desk. He is so predictable, but that is just the way he is. Everything has a place and everything in its place. That was his mantra and how he coped with day to day life.

“Okay, I need a coffee, are you coming?” Tess rises from her chair and waits for me to answer.

“Yes of course, I want to hear all the juicy gossip about last night.” The look on her face tells me things did not go as she planned.

Walking side by side we make our way to the small kitchen we use for eating our lunches and making beverages. It’s a rule of the office that we don’t eat and drink at our desks, as it gives an unprofessional impression of the company. Tess fills the kettle and depresses the button before turning to me.

“Where do I start?” Breathless, she takes a deep draught of air before continuing.

“We arrived back at my place, he didn’t even invite me back to his. As soon as we were through the door he threw me against the wall. His hands were all over me like a rash.”

“Oh my God sounds promising.” I interrupt the story, placing my hand over my mouth in mock surprise.

“You haven’t heard it all yet.” Tess pauses taking in another gulp of air before giving me the rest of the story.

“There was no foreplay, he just grabbed at my pussy and tits, not even a slight build up. Once he had managed to clumsily remove my panties and bra, with which I had to help him by the way. It was a five minute in and out job. Wham bam thank you mam, wiped his cock on my panties, and left. The fucker didn’t even have the decency to make me come!!” The tirade ended, she was standing there panting, the anger of telling the story written all over her frustrated face.

“I’m so sorry doll, men can be such fucking arseholes sometimes.” I commiserate with her, trying to calm her down. It doesn’t work.

“Anyway, how did your night go with the mysterious Ashton?” Changing the subject, I notice she almost sneers his name, confirmation that she didn’t seem to care for him.

“Well, I struck out as well. I invited him back for coffee but he refused, made some lame excuse, leaving me on the doorstep. He didn’t even see me safely inside. There is something about him I like though, and I wouldn’t mind seeing him again.” Giving my honest appraisal of the evening, and of Ashton I wait for a reaction from Tess.

“I just think there is something strange about him, a feeling I get, can’t explain it.” With that we finish our coffees and return to the office. On the way Tess excuses herself taking a toilet break.

Making myself comfortable at my desk, I begin to go through organizing Oliver’s appointments for the rest of the week. Glancing over to his office he is standing, peering down out of the plate glass windows onto the street below. He often did that, more than he actually should have when he was supposed to be working. Many times I had to defend him to either Mr. Brandon or Harte, making excuses when he disappeared without a trace.


ALTERS by Zak Hardacre is available in paperback from Amazon or by ebook from Amazon 

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