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Couple engage in some raunchy kinky roleplay

Even the happiest of couples need to spice things up in the bedroom sometimes. Sybil has orchestrated a very raunchy evening of kinky roleplay for her and her husband, Charlie, to indulge her submissive desires.

As she waits for him to arrive home, a naughty intruder seems to have taken his place. The sound of the door creaking and heavy boots striding across the floor towards her has Sybil shivering in anticipation for this kinky roleplay adventure…

For just a second, she had the thought, what if it’s not him? What if it’s not her husband? What if a stranger has made their way into her home, and found her like this? What if—

She heard his sharp intake of breath and the pleasing hum that followed. The heat of his body as he crossed the room and bent over her. Blindfolded, every other sense had been cranked up beyond 100, beyond normal. She could smell him. Not his cologne, but the laundry detergent they used. Faintly, his deodorant. She could sense the gentle examination he gave her. First one side of her body and then the other.

With pressure that made her gasp, he pressed the pad of one finger to her sternum. Traced a line first down, between her breasts. Just having him that close they felt heavier, hotter, her nipples standing at aching points, already begging for his touch. His finger ventured back up, bringing a shiver along with it. It went first left and then right, smearing through the lipstick on her chest. It read, in big letters: USE ME.

FrolicMe is dedicated to bringing you the most beautiful erotica and ethically produced porn to fuel your fantasies and give your sexual imagination a place to flourish. This erotic story of kinky roleplay was written by Frolicme author Gabrielle Johnson to perfectly complement the erotic movie Sinful Pleasure, about blindfold sex.

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Read all about the wonderful author: Gabrielle Johnson

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