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The joys and anticipation of new boyfriend sex

Can anything beat that glorious horny feeling of new boyfriend sex? The zing of electricity as you first discover that your chemistry matches… and not just matches, it is positively reactive! This is a delightful audio porn story delving into the joys of new boyfriend sex and all the excitement and anticipation that comes with it.

A beautifully captured moment of pure, innocent sexual pleasure between two people on the same wavelength, physically and spiritually.

“Mum said you were pretty.” The tone of his voice made it clear that he wholeheartedly agreed.

Anabelle pressed her lips together and fought the urge to bury her face in her hands. Her cheeks must surely have bypassed tomato red and entered the realm of beetroot by now.

He chuckled softly, and her stomach gave a pleasurable flutter.

“Sorry,” he said. “I have no verbal filter when it comes to women. Blessing and a curse, you know?”

She nodded, though to what she was agreeing even she wasn’t sure. All she could think about was how sweet his mouth was; how long his dark eyelashes were. He was different from any of her previous boyfriends. They had all been tall, dark and brooding. What could she say? She had a type. Or, at least, she thought she had…

He reached over and ran the tip of his finger lightly down the curve of her arm, and it was as though an electric current had passed through her body.

This audio porn story featuring the delights of new boyfriend sex, was written by frolicMe author Kate Belsey especially to complement the sexy sweet erotic sex movie, Mine Someday, about spontaneous boyfriend and girlfriend sex, which you can watch now in full cinematic quality. FrolicMe is an ethical erotic platform dedicated to enhancing your sexual experiences and offering a safe and joyful space to celebrate your pleasure. Explore your fantasy world with us.

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Read all about the wonderful author: Kate Besley

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